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National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea 179

National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea

국가인권위원회(National Human Rights Commission of Korea)는 모든 영역에서 인간의 존엄과 가치를 실현하고 인권이 존중되는 사회를 구현하기 위한 목적으로 설립된 인권 전담 국가기구입니다. 인권전담 국가기구로서 인권 관련 정책 개선, 인권침해 조사 및 구제, 인권의식 제고를 위한 교육과 홍보, 국내 및 국제 인권 향상을 위한 국내외 협력 등을 주요 활동으로 수행하고 있습니다. 특히, 인권 상황 개선 및 국민 인권 의식 제고를 위해 법령, 정책, 관행에 대한 다양한 조사 및 연구를 지속적으로 수행하고 있습니다. 또한 인권도서관(https://library.humanrights.go.kr/)에서는 인권관련 다양한 자료를 검색하고 인권위 간행물의 원문을 다운로드 받을 수 있습니다.

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Displaying 11-30 of 179 Results(0.034sec)

Title / Principal Investigator / Producer / Series Title
Survey data Member Access
Kim, Daehui
Pukyong National University, National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea
Survey data Member Access
Korea Council of Children's Organization Monitoring Project of Party on Children's Human Rights
Korea Council of Children's Organization, National Human Rights Commission of Korea
Survey data Member Access
Choi, Hee-Kyung
Ewha Womans University, National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea
Survey data Member Access
Bae, Giwan
Duroo, Jipyong LLC, National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea
Survey data Member Access
Sung, Jungsuk
Peace N Human Rights Education Center, National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea
Survey data Member Access
Kim, Byeongjun
ChungNam Institute, National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea
Survey data Member Access
Bae, Giwan
Duroo, Jipyong LLC, National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea
Survey data Member Access
Bae, Giwan
Duroo, Jipyong LLC, National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea
Survey data Member Access
National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea Survey on Hatred and Discrimination
National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea
Survey data Member Access
Oh, Seung-Hwan
Korea Association of Social Workers, National Human Rights Commission of Korea
Survey data Member Access
Moon, Kang-Boon
Happy Work Institute, National Human Rights Commission of Korea
Survey data Member Access
Kim, Miok
Jeonbuk National University, National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea
Survey data Member Access
Kim, Miok
Jeonbuk National University, National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea
Survey data Member Access
Kim, Miok
Jeonbuk National University, National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea
Survey data Member Access
Korea Council of Children's Organization Monitoring Project of Party on Children's Human Rights
Korea Council of Children's Organization, National Human Rights Commission of Korea
Survey data Member Access
Lee, Hansook
Solidarity With Migrants
Survey data Member Access
Lee, Jinok
Korea Women's Political Solidarity, National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea
Survey data Member Access
Kahng, Sang Kyoung
Seoul National University, National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea
Survey data Member Access
Kahng, Sang Kyoung
Seoul National University, National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea
Survey data Member Access
Kim, Dong-Sik
Korean Women's Development Institute, National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea
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