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New Users

KOSSDA is operated by membership.
By signing up with a simple e-mail certification, you can use the raw data of KOSSDA's quantitative and qualitative data free of charge, and you can also use various services provided by KOSSDA.

User Guide Registration

Service Provided by KOSSDA

Search and browse data Services such as searching quantitative and qualitative data (downloading data-related documentation), viewing frequency tables
Data download with User Registration A service that enables real-time downloading of quantitative and qualitative data that can be used for research, education and learning purposes
Order and download data with access restriction Order and download for restricted access data that requires the permission of the data depositor
Education programs on methodology provided Various education programs on methodology such as basic, intermediate and advanced statistical analysis methods, social survey methods, qualitative research methods are regularly provided and some open lectures are provided if necessary
Mailing service KOSSDA newsletter, KOSSDA education programs on methodology and some events related
Archiving the deposited data and providing usage information of data Managing and building of deposited data in KOSSDA, and providing data usage information to data depositor

Types of Member

Member A user who has agreed to the Data Use Agreement and has completed user registration on the KOSSDA website, and, thereby, can use the services provided by KOSSDA
Data Sharing Member A person or representative of an institution that has entered into Data Deposit Agreements with KOSSDA and has completed user registration at the website of KOSSDA.

Services Available by Types of KOSSDA Users

Type Searching and
data and
data-related documentation
Ordering data
with restricted access
Education Programs
on methodology
the deposited data
and providing
usage information of data
Data Sharing Member

KOSSDA Member Obligations

Information obtained by using KOSSDA website contents or services shall not be used for commercial purpose.
Members can not use the raw data provided to obtain information about specific individuals, organizations.
All or part of the provided data can not be given to third parties without the consent of KOSSDA.
When presenting the results of the research using the provided data through printed materials, electronic media, broadcasting media, etc., title, principal investigator(s), copyrights holder, provider (KOSSDA) of the data should be disclosed to the presentation according to the prescribed form of KOSSDA.