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KOSSDA Thesis Award

KOSSDA confers KOSSDA thesis award every year since 2012 to raise awareness of data archives and promote data-based researches, KOSSDA's data collection in particular. For the coming 13th award this year(2024), Please submit your dissertations (either of master degree and doctoral one) to the competition. The award will be conferred to three selected among the applicants and it will go with a certificate and prize money.

The 13th KOSSDA Thesis Award

This award targets on the dissertation either of masteral and doctoral, which should be written in 2024 with the KOSSDA data collection.

※ Requirement : When applying for the competition, you should include into your dissertation "KOSSDA data citation" provided by KOSSDA either of within the body or in the Reference section of the dissertation.

Winner Selection

One Doctor's thesis (Prize Money: Two million won)
Two Master's thesis (Prize Money: One million won)


Deadline: December 13, 2024

Review: for 4 weeks after the completion of submission

Announcement of the award: January 10, 2025 (It may change)

Awarding ceremony: January, 2025 (It may change)

How to Apply

Complete the application form and submit it by email (kossda@snu.ac.kr) along with the thesis and the required documents.

※ Required documents : Graduation Certificate (or Prospective Graduation Certificate)




Previous KOSSDA Thesis Award