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Data-Related Publications

The KOSSDA Data-related publications DB is a database that allows users to search for research outcomes that have used data held by KOSSDA.

We periodically collect and provide information about research outcomes (such as academic papers, theses, books, monographs, reports, etc.) to help you discover data through literature and how the data in our collections has been utilized in research. We gather this information from academic databases (KCI, RISS, SCOPUS, DBpia etc.) and other relevant research outcome databases. The bibliographic information is available in various reference citation formats.

To use the database, you can search using specific criteria. When you find a literature title in the search results, you can click on it to access the original source, which could be an academic database or Google search results. If you click on related dataset names, you can see the metadata for that specific data. Additionally, you can select the literature you want, click the [Export] button below, and download the bibliographic information of your chosen literature.

※ Please Note

  • We collect and provide information about research outcomes that have utilized data, even if the data was not directly downloaded from KOSSDA, to offer comprehensive data utilization information.
  • While we strive for comprehensiveness and accuracy, the Data-Related Publications may not cover every research outcome resulting from data usage.
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