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Institute for Social Development and Policy Research, Seoul National University 43

Institute for Social Development and Policy Research, Seoul National University

서울대학교 사회발전연구소(The Institute for Social Development and Policy Research, Seoul National University)는 1960년대에 인구연구소로 시작하여 한국사회의 다각적인 발전 관련 연구를 추진해 왔으며, 최근에는 국제화 및 세계화를 폭넓게 연구에 포함시키고자 한국연구재단 중점연구소 과제(사회발전과 사회의 질: 한국, 동아시아, OECD 국가 국제비교와 한국사회의 질적 전환 모델 연구)를 수행하고 있습니다.

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Displaying 21-40 of 43 Results(0.024sec)

Title / Principal Investigator / Producer / Series Title
Survey data Member Access
Survey on Urban-Rural Return Migration
Institute for Population and Development, Seoul National University, Brown University
Survey data Member Access
Institute for Population and Development, Seoul National University
Interview/narrtive Member Access
Lee, Hae Young
Institute for Population and Development, Seoul National University
Survey data Member Access
Lee, Hae Young Survey on the Differentials in Birth Rate in Korean Middle Town (Icheon)
Institute for Population and Development, Seoul National University
Survey data Member Access
Institute for Population and Development, Seoul National University ; Department of Sociology, North Carolina State University
Survey data Member Access
Institute for Population and Development, Seoul National University
Document Member Access
Yu, Eui-Young Study on the Ecological Structure of Urban Squatters in Seoul, Study on the Ecological Structure of Urban Squatters in Seoul
Institute for Population and Development, Seoul National University
Observation Record Member Access
Yu, Eui-Young Study on the Ecological Structure of Urban Squatters in Seoul
Institute for Population and Development, Seoul National University
Survey data Member Access
Institute for Population and Development, Seoul National University
Survey data Member Access
Han, Wan Sang
Institute for Population and Development, Seoul National University
Survey data Member Access
Department of Sociology, Seoul National University
Document Member Access
Survey data Member Access
Lee, Man-Gap
Social Security Committee, Ministry of Health
Survey data Member Access
Department of Sociology, Seoul National University
Survey data Member Access
Institute for Population and Development, Seoul National University
Survey data Member Access
Institute for Population and Development, Seoul National University
Survey data Member Access
Institute for Population and Development, Seoul National University
Survey data Member Access
Institute for Population and Development, Seoul National University
Survey data Member Access
Lee, Hae Young
Institute for Population, Seoul National University
Survey data Member Access
Lee, Hae Young
Institute for Population, Seoul National University
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