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Records on the Seminar of the Ecological Structure of Urban Squatters in Seoul, 1971


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Principal Investigator(s)

Yu, Eui-Young / California State University, Los Angeles


This data is a recording of one of the seminars held by the the Institute for Population and Development at Seoul National University (the Institute for Social Development and Policy Research at Seoul National University) from 1969 to 1971 and includes contents of the presentation and debate on the「Study of the Ecological Structure of Urban Squatters in Seoul」co-authored by Seok, Hyun-ho and Yu, Eui-young.
This recorded data is composed of 3 audio files. The contents of audio files 1 and 2 include details on the methods of research such as the background of this study, methods of data collection, questionnaire, and descriptions of the study’s 4 target areas, and it also contains the presentation by Seok, Hyunho, a graduate student of Seoul National University at the time, on the results of the study on the formation and distribution of squatter areas in Seoul and life in the squatter community. Furthermore, it includes the statistical characteristics of the geographical area and population of squatter areas in Seoul as well as study results on the government’s countermeasures in dealing with squatters. Audio file 3 contains contents of the debate following the presentation including reasons for using the term “squatter” instead of “slum”, differences between members of the squatter community and residential communities in other cities, comparisons between slums in Korea and slums in Latin America, problems in Seoul’s regulatory policies on squatter areas, and Seoul’s administrative statistics methods.
The lengths of the audio files are around 30 minutes each and due to damages to the original tapes some parts are inaudible.

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Related Documents-Other B1-1971-0001_filelist_re.pdf 파일리스트 EXCEL 379.3 kB Download
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