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Survey on the Differentials in Birth Rate in Korean Middle Town (Icheon), 1974 : 2nd Wave


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Principal Investigator(s)

Lee, Hae Young / Department of Sociology, Seoul National University


The survey was conducted in 1965 and 1974 among married women in the town of Icheon in Gyeonggi-do to study Korea’s population problems. This set of data was collected in 1974 and through comparative analysis with the data of 1965 it will be useful in following the changes in the birthrate, family size, and family types in Korean society. The questionnaire includes contents on family relations, childbirth, and family planning.
The questions on family relations include marriage, situation of each side of the family at the time of marriage, ideal age for marriage, the makeup of a household, size of household, type of household, family relations, decision making within the family, moving out of parent’s house after marriage, time and reason for moving out.
The questions on childbirth include experience of pregnancy, experience of childbirth, communication between married couples, and values on children.
The questions on family planning include decision maker in family planning, whether or not there is family planning, male preference, ideal number of children, desired number of children, birth control, methods of birth control, miscarriage, information source on birth control, and attitude towards birth control.

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Family/ Gender


「한국 중간도시(이천읍)의 차별 출산률 조사」는 1965년(A1-1965-0002), 1974년(A1-1974-0002) 모두 두 번의 조사가 수행되었고, KOSSDA에서 모두 이용가능하다.

File Type File Name File Description File Format File Size Download
Related Documents-Questionnaire(Korean) kor_que_19740002.pdf 설문지 (한글) PDF 222.33 kB Download
Related Documents-Codebook(Korean) kor_codebook_19740002.pdf 코드북 (한글) PDF 848.99 kB Download
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If the data were released before May 11, 2017, it was measured since May 11, 2017.