Survey on the Legal Consciousness of Citizen 4
Displaying 1-4 of 4 Results(0.008sec)
Title / Principal Investigator / Producer / Series Title |
Survey data
Restricted Access
Lee, Eubong
Survey on the Legal Consciousness of Citizen
Korea Legislation Research Institute
Survey data
Restricted Access
Kang, Hyun Cheol, Cha, Hyunsook
Survey on the Legal Consciousness of Citizen
Korea Legislation Research Institute
Survey data
Restricted Access
Hyun, Dae-Ho, Kim, Myoung-Ah
Survey on the Legal Consciousness of Citizen
Korea Legislation Research Institute
Survey data
Restricted Access
Lee, Se-Jung
Survey on the Legal Consciousness of Citizen
Korea Legislation Research Institute
101-250, KOSSDA, 1, Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, [08826]
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