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Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities, Employment Development Institute 59

Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities, Employment Development Institute

한국장애인고용공단 고용개발원(Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities, Employment Development Institute)은 국내 장애인고용 사업의 지속적인 발전을 목표로 연구개발사업과 현장 전문인력 양성을 위해 2000년 개원하였습니다. 동 기관은 연구개발사업의 일환으로 '장애인고용패널조사', '기업체 장애인고용 실태조사', '장애인 경제활동 실태조사', '발달장애인 일과 삶 실태조사' 등 주요 자료를 정기적으로 산출하여 장애인고용의 지식과 정보 창출의 싱크탱크이자 지식허브로서의 역할을 수행하고 있습니다.

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Displaying 21-40 of 59 Results(0.084sec)

Title / Principal Investigator / Producer / Series Title
Survey data Member Access
Kim, Ho-jin
Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled, Employment Development Institute
Survey data Member Access
Lim, Yejik Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled
Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled, Employment Development Institute
Survey data Member Access
Lee, Giyeong
Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled, Employment Development Institute
Survey data Member Access
Lee, Giyeong
Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled, Employment Development Institute
Survey data Member Access
Lee, Giyeong
Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled, Employment Development Institute
Survey data Member Access
Lim, Yejik
Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled, Employment Development Institute
Survey data Member Access
Park, Hyewon
Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled, Employment Development Institute
Survey data Member Access
Lim, Yejik
Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled, Employment Development Institute
Survey data Member Access
Park, Hyewon
Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled, Employment Development Institute
Survey data Member Access
Kim, Ho-jin
Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled, Employment Development Institute
Survey data Member Access
Ko, Jeahoon
Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled, Employment Development Institute
Survey data Member Access
Ko, Jeahoon
Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled, Employment Development Institute
Survey data Member Access
Ko, Jeahoon
Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled, Employment Development Institute
Survey data Member Access
Gu, Yeonjin
Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled, Employment Development Institute
Survey data Member Access
Min, Junyoung
Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled, Employment Development Institute
Survey data Member Access
Ko, Jeahoon
Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled, Employment Development Institute
Survey data Member Access
Min, Junyoung Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled
Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled, Employment Development Institute
Survey data Member Access
Ko, Jeahoon
Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled, Employment Development Institute
Survey data Member Access
Ko, Jeahoon
Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled, Employment Development Institute
Survey data Member Access
Ko, Jeahoon
Ministry of Employment and Labor, Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled, Employment Development Institute
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