Korean Social Life, Health and Aging Project, Yonsei University 3
연세대 건강한 노년 사업단(Korean Social Life, Health and Aging Project, KSHAP)은 한국연구재단의 한국사회과학연구지원사업(Social Sciences Korea, SSK)으로 선정되어 2011년 결성되었습니다. 연구단은 미국 시카고대학교가 주관하는 NSHAP(National Social Life, Health and Aging Project)를 기반으로 설계한 「한국인의 사회적 삶, 건강과 노화에 대한 조사(KSHAP)」를 2011년부터 매년 수행하고 있습니다.
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Member Access
Youm, Yoosik
Korean Social Life, Health and Aging Project
Korean Social Life, Health and Aging Project, Yonsei University
Survey data
Member Access
Youm, Yoosik
Korean Social Life, Health and Aging Project
Korean Social Life, Health and Aging Project, Yonsei University
Survey data
Member Access
Youm, Yoosik
Korean Social Life, Health and Aging Project
Korean Social Life, Health and Aging Project, Yonsei University
101-250, KOSSDA, 1, Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, [08826]
TEL 82-2-880-2111 FAX 82-2-883-2694 Email kossda@snu.ac.kr
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