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2007 Presidential Election Panel Survey


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East Asia Institute


The「2007 Presidential Election Panel Survey」is an election public opinion survey conducted in collaboration by the East Asia Institute (EAI), SBS, JoongAng Ilbo, and Hankook Research prior to the 17th presidential election held in December of 2007. This survey was conducted six times starting on April 2007 among 3,500 panel members to allow a longitudinal analysis of public opinion on the election. The questionnaire of this survey is composed of replicating core questions and questions on the major issues in a given time period. The questions are as follows.
1. Replicating Core Questions
Political interest, intention of voting, channel of getting information on the presidential election, candidate of choice, decisive elements in choosing candidate, evaluation of candidate’s ideological propensity and moral values, evaluation of the president’s government administration, party identification, subjective ideological propensity, administrative tasks of the next government, etc.
2. Questions on Major Issues for Given Time Periods
1st Survey: Expansion of social participation of women, guaranteeing demonstrations and rallies, problems of growth and distribution, deregulations for large corporations, open market, strengthening of alliance between Korea and the US, abolition of the National Security Law, ratification of the KORUS FTA, implementation of the Bongosa, hosting of North South Summit, opinion on the effects of the Roh administration’s housing policy, etc.
2nd Survey: Evaluation of the Roh administration judgment theory, evaluation of pan-ruling party unification, assessment of the Grand National Party’s main candidates, outlook on North South Summit, opinion on trade liberalization, economic satisfaction, etc.
3rd Survey: Evaluation of the Roh administration judgment theory, evaluation of pan-ruling party unification, assessment of major candidates’ campaign pledges, outlook on North South Summit, influence of the BBK incident, pan-government party candidate of choice, etc.
4th Survey: Guarantee of demonstrations and rallies, problems of growth and distribution, open market, welfare expansion, foreign policy, North Korean aid, regulation of conglomerates, evaluation of the Roh administration judgment theory, evaluation of pan-ruling party unification, evaluation of Lee Myung Bak’s campaign pledge, influence of the BBK incident, reason for supporting Lee Myung Bak, reason for halting the pan-ruling party candidate unification, whether Lee Myung Bak will resign, etc.
5th Survey: Evaluation of the Roh administration judgment theory, evaluation of pan-ruling party unification, trust in the investigation results of the BBK incident, whether the pan-ruling party candidate unification has been halted, whether or not Lee Hoi Chang resigned, evaluation of televised debates, etc.
6th Survey: Candidate voted for, reason for abstaining, outlook on the government administration by elected candidate, influence of BBK incident, evaluation of election characteristics, expectations of elected candidate, the fulfillment of main campaign pledges by elected candidate, evaluation of the presidential election campaign, opinion on general elections and direction of political reform, etc.

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File Type File Name File Description File Format File Size Download
Related Documents-Questionnaire(Korean) kor_que_20070092.pdf 설문지 (한글) PDF 734.45 kB Download
Related Documents-Codebook(Korean) kor_codebook_20070092.pdf 코드북 (한글) PDF 526.34 kB Download
Related Documents-Questionnaire(English) eng_que_20070092.pdf Questionnaire (English) PDF 233.94 kB Download
Related Documents-Codebook(English) eng_codebook_20070092.pdf Codebook (English) PDF 388.98 kB Download
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