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Survey on the Evaluation of the Senior Executive Service System, 2008 : Senior Executives


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Principal Investigator(s)

Lee, Jae-Ho / Korea Institute of Public Administration


The 「Survey on the Evaluation of the Senior Executive Service System」 was conducted by the Korea Institute of Public Administration to assess and improve the senior executive service system introduced in July 2006 by evaluating its management and outcomes. The survey was conducted concurrently among senior executives and the candidates for senior executive positions of central government agencies as well as the general public, and this data was collected from senior executives.
The main contents of the survey include effects of open position system, appropriate percentage of open positions, political neutrality at time of appointment, suitability of qualifications review system, appropriateness of position, differences in duty grades, motivation induced by duty grade system, pros and cons of performance based pay system, effects of performance based pay system, appropriateness of performance bonus, difference in performance bonus, pay satisfaction, fairness of performance evaluation, contribution of performance evaluations to personal development, proportion of each type of duty, accuracy of duty analysis, political neutrality in job performance, inter-departmental cooperation, operation of customized education, incentives of senior executive service system, pride in being part of the senior executive service, and sense of accomplishment.

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Related Documents-Questionnaire(Korean) kor_que_20080057.pdf 설문지 (한글) PDF 2.29 MB Download
Related Documents-Codebook(Korean) kor_codebook_20080057.pdf 코드북 (한글) PDF 190.39 kB Download
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