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EAI·SBS·JoongAng Daily·Hankook Research Panel Survey on the 2006 Regional Elections : Busan


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Principal Investigator(s)

Lee, Nae Young / East Asia Institute


The「EAI·SBS·JoongAng Daily·Hankook Research Panel Survey on the 2006 Regional Elections」is a research project conducted to forecast the approval ratings of candidates for the May 31st 2006 regional elections and track the changes in public opinion during the election period by a consortium of research institution, media organizations, and research company. The entire process of this survey including panel design, selection of questions, panel management, and data analysis were operated by a team made up of election research experts of the East Asian Institute, public opinion poll professionals from SBS and JoongAng Daily, and panel survey manager from the Hankook Research.
A nationwide panel survey replicated in two rounds and 4 regional panel surveys replicated in four rounds were simultaneously conducted. This data from the regional panel survey of the Busan area is the consolidation of data from the first three surveys conducted prior to the election and the fourth survey conducted following the election.
The questionnaires of the first three surveys include questions on the candidate of choice, determinants in choosing candidate, outlook on election results, party identification, changes in candidate of choice and reason for change, evaluation of president’s state administration, evaluation of city administration by mayor of Gwangju, party evaluation, evaluation of economic conditions, attitude towards election issues, channel of gathering election information, type of candidate support after gathering information, evaluation of TV debate, degree of interest in election, ascription of meaning to election, presidential candidate of choice, intention of voting, past voting experience, and subjective ideological orientation.
The questionnaire of the fourth survey includes questions on whether he/she has voted, candidate of choice, determinants of voting, party identification, change in candidate of choice and reason for change, expectations of elected candidate, evaluation of election results, evaluation of president’s state administration, party evaluation, attitude towards election issues, type of candidate support after gathering information, degree of interest in election, ascription of meaning to election, evaluation of regional election system, presidential candidate of choice, attitude towards future changes in political conditions, and subjective ideological orientation.

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「EAI·SBS·중앙일보·한국리서치 공동 2006 지방선거 패널조사」는 전국(A1-2006-0098)을 비롯한 서울(A1-2006-0101), 광주(A1-2006-0102), 부산(A1-2006-0103), 충남(A1-2006-0104) 지역에서 동시에 시행되었다.

File Type File Name File Description File Format File Size Download
Related Documents-Questionnaire(Korean) kor_que_20060103.pdf 설문지 (한글) PDF 517.4 kB Download
Related Documents-Codebook(Korean) kor_codebook_20060103.pdf 코드북 (한글) PDF 415.23 kB Download
Related Documents-Questionnaire(English) eng_que_20060103.pdf Questionnaire (English) PDF 177.87 kB Download
Related Documents-Codebook(English) eng_codebook_20060103.pdf Codebook (English) PDF 301.74 kB Download
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