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Documents Related to the 1974 Arrest of Bishop Tji, Hak Soon, 1974


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This is a collection of documents related to the arrest of bishop Tji, Hak Soon on July 6, 1974 on charges of providing funds to the suspects of the Mincheonghakryeon (National Federation of Democratic Youth) Incident. The collection includes articles written by the bishop during house confinement expressing his views on his arrest, court records, and statements written by Catholic organizations calling on the release of the bishop. Articles written by bishop Tji include 'My views on the National Federation of Democratic Youth', 'A declaration of concience', 'A message from the prison', and 'A letter to the Pope'. Court records include a summary of the final statement delievered by bishop Tji, a summary of pleading provided by the lawyer Lim Kwang Kyu, and a statement explaining the backgrounds of the bishop's declaration of conscience. Also included are 2 pieces of statements written by the Catholic Priests' Association for Justice, 4 articles by the Catholic National Association of Lay Believers, and some biographical records of bishop Tji, Hak Soon.

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Further information on the arrest of bishp Tji Hak Soon can be found in 『The Torch of Darkness: Testimonies to Democratic Movements of the 1970s and 1980s, Volume I 』 (Gaudium et Spes Pastoral Institute(GASPI), 1996, Catholic Publishing House).

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Related Documents-Other B1-1974-0001_filelist_re.pdf 파일리스트 EXCEL 587.11 kB Download
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