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Survey on Values and Attitudes in Transitional Korea 3, 1987


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Principal Investigator(s)

Han, Wan Sang / Department of Sociology, Seoul National University


In 1988 Korea experienced a turning point with the inauguration of a new government and the Seoul Olympics. This transition, though facing structural limitations, entailed both possibilities and uncertainties emerging differently according to the will of the executants. This survey focuses on grasping the changes in people’s attitudes and prospects for the near future. The questionnaire is composed of the evaluation of social realities, evaluation of political realities, expectations and prospects for democracy through elections. It is also designed for possible comparisons with 「Survey on Values and Attitudes in Transitional Korea」executed two years earlier. Questions were selectively integrated from「Survey on Values and Attitudes in Transitional Korea 1 (A1-1986-0001, A1-1986-0002), and 「Survey on Values and Attitudes in Transitional Korea 2 (A1-1987-0001, A1-1987-0002).

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「전환기 한국사회조사」는 1986년(A1-1986-0001, A1-1986-0002), 1987년(A1-1987-0001, A1-1987-0002, A1-1987-0003), 1988년(A1-1988-0002), 1989년(A1-1989-0001), 1990년(A1-1990-0002) 까지 여덟 번의 조사가 수행되었고, 모두 KOSSDA에서 이용가능하다.

File Type File Name File Description File Format File Size Download
Related Documents-Questionnaire(Korean) kor_que_19870003.pdf 설문지 (한글) PDF 411.6 kB Download
Related Documents-Codebook(Korean) kor_codebook_19870003.pdf 코드북 (한글) PDF 604.76 kB Download
Related Documents-Questionnaire(English) eng_que_19870003.pdf Questionnaire (English) PDF 122.24 kB Download
Related Documents-Codebook(English) eng_codebook_19870003.pdf Codebook (English) PDF 229.49 kB Download
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