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Documents on the exile and return of Yoon, Han Bong, 1989-1993


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The collection contains various documents related to the exile of the political activist Yoon, Han-Bong. Included are journal articles, letters and personal biographies of Yoon related to the exile in the US, resident registration records, and many others. Yoon's biographical records on his American exile contains the following themes.
(1) From a secret passage to the arrival in the US : describes Yoon's activities from the early 1970s and before his secret escape in April, 1981; the 35 day experience in the ship, and the impressions on the lives of Korean Americans upon his arrival in the US.
(2) The settlement and the journeys of activism in the US : described are the processes and experience of Yoon's settlement in Los Angeles; records of Yoon's political activism as well as his impressions and empirical investigations on the situations of Korean Americans in Los Angeles, Hawaii, Seattle, and so on.
[A short biography of Yoon Han-Bong(1948-2007)]
Born in Gangjin, Jeolla Namdo ; imprisoned three times for political activism since the 1970s ; accused of being the leader of the May 18 Gwangju Democratic Movement and became a wanted man ; exiled to the US after a 35-day secret voyage at the bottom of a cargo ship ; activities during the exile such as the organizaing of Korean American youth associations. After returning to Korea in May 1993, Yoon made a major contribution in the establishment of the May 18 Memorial Foundation and the Memorial Center of the Wild Fire Night School.

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Further information on the arrest of bishp Tji Hak Soon can be found in 『The Torch of Darkness: Testimonies to Democratic Movements of the 1970s and 1980s, Volume I 』 (Gaudium et Spes Pastoral Institute(GASPI), 1996, Catholic Publishing House).

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Related Documents-Other filelist_B1-1980-0006.xls 파일리스트 EXCEL 29 kB Download
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