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Survey on Problems of Education in Korea, 1980 : Adults


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Principal Investigator(s)

Lee, Hongkoo / Seoul National University


The「Survey on Problems of Education in Korea」was conducted to procure scientific data necessary for discerning a more suitable direction for education in Korea through a comprehensive in depth diagnosis of the problems confronting education in Korea today. The survey was conducted among ordinary adults, and students and teachers at elementary, middle, and high schools, and this data was collected from ordinary adults. The questionnaire is designed for a multidimensional and comprehensive examination of the problems of education in Korea. The main contents are future education and occupation of children, evaluation of current educational problems, opinion on discriminatory remuneration according to level of education, and value system. The questions on future education and occupation of children include ideal level of education for boys and girls, children continuing on to college education, children’s desired occupation, and prestigious universities. The questions on evaluation of current educational problems include plans for procuring resources, government’s financial support of private schools, graduation quota system, entrance examination system, measure to alleviate competition in entrance exams, and the evaluation of equalization policy. The questions on discriminatory remuneration according to level of education include promotion, equity in teaching staff management, root cause of educational problems, and the outcomes of education and social influence. The section on value systems includes questions on importance of ability, human nature, emphasized course of education, education goals, and the political activities of university students and educators.

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「한국교육의 당면문제에 관한 조사연구」는 일반성인(A1-1980-0001), 교사(A1-1980-0002), 학생: 고등학생/대학생(A1-1980-0003) 으로 구분되며, KOSSDA 에서는 일반성인과 교사자료가 이용가능하며, 학생자료는 설문지만 이용가능함.

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Related Documents-Questionnaire(Korean) kor_que_19800001.pdf 설문지 (한글) PDF 401.55 kB Download
Related Documents-Codebook(Korean) kor_codebook_19800001.pdf 코드북 (한글) PDF 859.09 kB Download
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