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Survey on Urban-Rural Return Migration (Ⅰ), 1977 : Urban Migrant


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Principal Investigator(s)

Lee, On-Jook / Department of Sociology, Seoul National University


This survey was conducted among those who have formerly left the rural areas for the city and returned back, unlike previous surveys that have focused on the rural to urban migration or the forms of migration. Thus this survey focuses on comparing the characteristics of migrants returning to the rural areas and those migrating to the urban areas, and was designed to accommodate the analysis of characteristics before migration, circumstances of migration, and the effects that adjustment to the city has on return migration. The questionnaire is composed of the following: population migration, urbanization, migration, rural to urban migration, adaptation to city life, life satisfaction, sense of values, participation in groups, and child education. The「Survey on Urban-Rural Return Migration」 is composed of surveys of migrants to the city from Jeonnam(I) and Gyeongbuk areas, migrants to rural area, and rural natives.

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「도시-농촌 귀환이동 연구조사(Ⅰ)」은 전남지역에서 도시이입자, 귀환자, 농촌원주민을 구분하여 조사되였으나, 귀환자 조사자료는 분실되어 현재는 도시이입자(A1-1977-0001)와 농촌원주민(A1-1977-0002) 조사자료만 이용가능함.

File Type File Name File Description File Format File Size Download
Related Documents-Questionnaire(Korean) kor_que_19770001.pdf 설문지 (한글) PDF 265.36 kB Download
Related Documents-Codebook(Korean) kor_codebook_19770001.pdf 코드북 (한글) PDF 924.02 kB Download
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