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※ 외국인주민과 내국인주민이 서로 잘 이해하며 생활하기 위해, 필요한 것은 무엇이라고 생각합니까?

Value Label N WN
- Be patient and comprehensive, help each others always. 1 0
- Events like global gathering will do just fine 1 0
- Fixing narrow minded mindset and "빨리빨리" culture. 1 0
- Having an open mind 1 0
- Improvement of language Preficiency (English) 1 0
- In my view, the main problem here in korea is language. Due to language we cannot express our difficulties and feelings to Koreans. So English languages use is most essential. 1 0
- It would be really good it Koreans didn't get scared from foreigners and didn't avoid them. And foreigners to respect Korean culture. 1 0
- Local people have to learn english more. 1 0
- More interactive activities could help 1 0
- More open-mindedness and willingness to embrace differences. 1 0
- Promotion of each others culture in order to have greater understanding and comfortable 1 0
- Providing information about cultural events and necessary contact for emergency 1 0
- The ability to converse in a language everyone understands. 1 0
- The essential thing is organizing cultural events and such things. 1 0
- There is no discrimination between each other 1 0
- To give help when it's needed and know that foreigners may have a difficult so that's why we need to feel warnness from local people. 1 0
- Unity(단결) 1 0
- communication 1 0
- communication and open-minded. 1 0
- efficient communication 1 0
- language 1 0
- more communication more chance to share 1 0
- open minded 1 0
- open-mindedness 1 0
- organizing cultural events 1 0
- understanding of Korean language is necessary for both local and foreign regidents. 1 0
- understanding other cultures. 1 0
- 같이 활동하는 시간을 필요하다고 생각합니다 1 0
- 외국 사람한테 편견이 다소 있기 때문에 외국사람으로서 힘들다 1 0
- 외국사람이 한국사람의 사이가 만난 기회가 많이 없어서 서로 이해하기 힘든 것 같습니다 1 0
- 차별 없애주세요 1 0
- 한국사람과 외국사람을 더 친해지기를 위해서 첫번째 다양한 활동을 해야 합니다. 두번째 외국 사람에게 도움을 하는 것이 더 좋습니다 1 0
Summary Statistics
  • Valid cases32
  • Missing cases0
  • Standard deviation0
  • Minimun0
  • Maximun0
  • Mean0

This variable is character


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