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Records of Fieldwork in the Rural Areas of Gyeonggi-do, 1958


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Principal Investigator(s)

Lee, Man-Gap / Department of Sociology, Seoul National University


The 「Study on the Social Structure of Rural Communities in Korea」 was conducted to examine the changes in the social structure of rural communities in Korea as a result of political, economic, and social changes such as the land reform and the Korean War following liberation as well as changes in personal relations such as homology, feudal status relations, and economic status. For this purpose fieldwork as well as survey was conducted in 6 selected towns in Gyeonggi-do’s Gwangju-gun and Youngin-gun, and this data is the observation record of the fieldwork.

The fieldwork was conducted in areas where the various aspects of class as well as landlord-tenant relations could be observed. The 6 towns chosen for the fieldwork were Gwangju-gun’s Dolma-myun Ueomsu-ri, Dochon-ri, Hadaewon-ri, Opo-myeon Neungpyeong-ri Changpyung and Chagok, and youngin-gun Mohyun-myeon Neungwon-ri. The fieldwork was conducted three time including two pilot studies and one main research. The first pilot study was conducted in the summer of 1958 at Dolma-myeon 3gae-ri and Neungpyeung-ri and the second pilot study was conducted in December of the same year at Youngin-gun’s Mohyun-myeon Neungwon-ri and Gwangju-gun’s Dolma-myeon Dochon-ri and Ueomsu-ri. The main research was conducted for 21 days starting on December 13th among the household heads of the 6 towns.

The main research contents include number of households, religion, wedding and funeral customs, social structure, major families, whether class stratification still remains, methods of palanquin and bier bearing, class mobility following farmland reform, changes in landowner-tenant farmer relations as well as state of hired labor.

The data is composed of the observation records of the first and second pilot studies as well as main research and observation records from the Gwangju Lee family seasonal ancestor-memorial rites that took place between the second pilot and main research. Also it includes statistical data on Gwangju-gun’s history, religion, social facilities, economy, and education as well as detailed statistical data on the population and farming in Opo-myeon and Dolma-myeon.

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