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Interview on Social Structure Change and Class Mobility through Family History, 1999-2000


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Principal Investigator(s)

Cho, Uhn / Department of Sociology, Dongguk University


Dongguk University


This study was conducted to examine the class mobility process of individuals through their family histories during periods when Korean society was undergoing drastic structural changes. The study was carried out through in-depth interviews of three generations and surveyed the traces of their class mobility, barriers and channels of mobility, and the differences between the class mobility of the siblings within each generation.
The object of interview was the families who parents generation were born between the 1940s and the 1950s and their children were born between the 1970s and 1980s. In order to examine the differences in mobility among classes the interview group divided into four classes of professionals, small business owners, self employed, and laborers by the standards of head of household. And with 5 families per category totaling 20 were interviewed.
The contents of the interview are divided largely into two parts the first being the birth, death, occupation, education and social status of each members of the generation, and second the rise and fall of the family. The data provided by KOSSDA includes transcripts from 5 families, 1 from the professional category, 1 from small business owner, 2 from the self employed, and 1 from laborers.

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