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Survey on the Economic Activities by Disabled Persons, 2010


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Principal Investigator(s)

Lim, Mihwa / Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled, Employment Development Institute


The Survey on the Economic Activities by Disabled Persons is a government approved statistical survey jointly organized by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Korea Employment Agency for the Disabled since 2010 with the goal of producing statistics of international standard regarding the economic activities of disabled persons such as the rate of participation in economic activities, rate of employment, and rate of unemployment.
This survey, unlike the Survey on the Employment of Disabled Persons by Corporations conducted by the Korea Employment Agency for the Disabled to determine the demand for labor from disabled persons, focuses on determining the supply size of labor provided by disabled persons. The questionnaire of this survey is composed of common questions on socio-demographic characteristics, characteristics of disability, and state of economic activities as well as questions relevant to the employed, unemployed, and the economically inactive population respectively. The specific survey questions are as follows.
1. Socio-demographic characteristics: Gender, date of birth, education, marital status, head of household, number of household members, whether or not one is eligible for national basic livelihood security
2. Characteristics of disability: When the disability was registered, type of disability, disability rating, onset of disability, cause of disability
3. State of economic activities: Last week's state of activities, employment status, temporary leave of absence, job seeking activities during the past four weeks
4. Details regarding the employed: Side jobs, period of employment, reason for working less than 36 hours, desire for additional employment or job change, possibility of additional employment or job change, additional employment seeking activities during the past four weeks, industry of profession, size of business, occupation, position, period of employment, professional status, whether or not an employment contract has been established, period of employment, whether or not employment contract is repeatedly renewed, whether or not participating in daily labor, possibility of continual employment and possible period of employment and reason for such possibility, type of working hours, source of wage, average wage during the last three months, whether employed in a special form of labor, whether working within the household, whether or not covered by social insurance, whether or not covered by or recipient of national pension plan as a non-wage worker, intention and period of retirement of non-wage worker
5. Details regarding the unemployed: Possibility of employment during the past week, past employment experience and period of resignation as well as reason for resignation, industry of previous employment and size of business, pervious occupation and position, desired type of employment, industry, and occupation, support needed, period and method of seeking employment, reason for continued state of unemployment
6. Details regarding economically inactive population: Possibility and desire for employment during the past week, reason for not seeking employment during the past four weeks, reason for not desiring employment, job seeking activities during the last year and the most recent period of job seeking activity, past employment experience and period as well as reason for resignation, industry of previous occupation and size of business, previous occupation and occupational position and status, intention of becoming employed within the next year, intention of becoming employed in the future, desired type of employment, needed support

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Measured since the release date of the current version data.
If the data were released before May 11, 2017, it was measured since May 11, 2017.