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Survey on the Economic Activities by Women in Busan, 2010 : Employed


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Principal Investigator(s)

Choi, Cheong-Rak / Busan Women and Family Development Institute


This survey was conducted by the Busan Women and Family Development Institute to produce basic statistics on the state of economic activities by women in the Busan area. The survey was conducted separately among the employed and unemployed to allow the differentiation of survey questions based on employment status.
This data was collected from those who are employed and is composed of contents on employment, work-family balance, job training, and general topics regarding the household. Specific survey questions are as follows.
1. Employment related topics
Type of employment, industry, occupation, position, monthly wage, size of business, hours of work, period of employment, job satisfaction, channel of finding job, reason for getting job, intention of job change, experience of discrimination, motivation for starting a business and operating plans, etc.
2. Work-Family balance related topics
Experience of interruption in career, reason for and period of interruption in career, the effect difficulties of work-family balance has on resignation, hours of household chores and childrearing, extent of assistance from other family members in childrearing and with household chores, household member requiring care, main caregiver, etc.
3. Job training related topics
Experience of completing job training, number of job training sessions completed and type of training, purpose of completing job training, institution where job training was completed, helpfulness of job training in getting a job or starting a business, reason for not completing job training, occupation one desires to receive training for, qualifications and certifications and areas of expertise, helpfulness of certificates and qualifications in getting a job or starting a business, helpfulness and necessity of major support policies, etc.
4. General household related topics
Head of household, number of household members, type of housing tenure, household income and expenditure, household debt, marital status, spouse's type of employment, etc.

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부산지역 여성경제활동 실태조사 : 미취업자 (A1-2010-0028)

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Measured since the release date of the current version data.
If the data were released before May 11, 2017, it was measured since May 11, 2017.