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Survey on the Use of E-Books, 2010


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Principal Investigator(s)

Park, Yu-Ri / Korea Information Society Development Institute


This survey was conducted by the Korea Information Society Development Institute to collect preliminary data for e-Book demand analysis for the purpose of establishing measures for vitalizing the e-Book market which has become stagnant since 2000. The subjects of the survey include both users and nonusers of e-Books, additionally a booster sample composed of e-book readers is included so that the number of e-book users are at a certain size.
The contents of the survey include use of internet and reading, use of e-books, plans for using e-books, and perception of e-books, and the questions regarding the use of e-books and plans for use were independently asked to users and nonusers. The main survey questions were as follows.
1. Use of the internet and reading
Average hours of daily internet use, purpose of using the internet, number of newspapers and magazine subscriptions, number of books read in a year and number of books purchased, place of reading, channel of gathering information on books, annual expenditure on purchasing books, considerations in purchasing a book, place books are purchased from, and inconveniences in reading paper books, etc.
2. Use of e-books (users)
Number of e-books read in a year and number of e-books purchased, place of reading e-book, place of e-book purchase, optimal price of e-books, device used in reading e-books, considerations in purchasing a device, cost of purchasing device, level of satisfaction with device, intention of purchasing a portable device, level of satisfaction of using e-book etc.
3. Plans for using e-books (nonusers)
Reason for not using an e-book, intention of using an e-book, improvements for e-books, desired genre of e-book, desired place of purchasing e-book, optimal price of e-book, desired device to be used in case of reading e-book, considerations in purchasing a device, intention of purchasing a portable device, desired portable device of purchase, and optimal price of portable device, etc
4. Perception of e-book
Comparative evaluation of e-books and paper books, changes in the amount of reading with the vitalization of the use of e-books, considerations for implementing e-textbooks, and e-books contribution to environmental improvements, etc.

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