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Survey on the Housing Conditions of Residents of Non-dwelling Structures, 2009


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Principal Investigator(s)

Seo, Jonggyun / Korea Center for City and Environment Research


The National Human Rights Commission of Korea conducted "A Survey on the Human Rights of the Residents of Non-dwelling structures" to investigate the current state of the poor residing in structures which are not considered residential dwellings under government regulations. In order to collect comprehensive data including demographic characteristics and size, socio-economic status, life history, housing conditions, and human rights conditions, questionnaire survey, in-depth interview, and field study were conducted simultaneously.
This data was collected through questionnaire survey and includes topics on general characteristics of households, economic status of the household, state of health, demand for social welfare services, residential history, living conditions, awareness and experience of discrimination, and future plans. The specific survey questions are as follows.
1. General characteristics of household: Gender, age, marital status, number of household members, type of household, whether living alone and reasons for living alone, period of living alone, resident registration status, reason for remaining an unregistered resident, problems of being an unregistered resident, and education level
2. Economic status of household: Employment history, number of days worked in the previous month, source of employment information, average monthly income per source of income, asset values and debt amount, major categories of household expenses, delinquent debtor status and reason for becoming a delinquent debtor, problems of being a delinquent debtor, and experience of victimization from identity theft
3. State of health: Subjective state of health, chronic illness, ways to cope with illnesses, cause and level of stress suffered, level and types of disability, frequency and amount of alcohol consumption, subjective addiction level for each addictive element (game, gambling, horse racing/track cycling, alcohol, drug, shopping, pornography, sex)
4. Demand for social welfare services: Receipt of Basic Livelihood Security and medical social security benefits, awareness and receipt of residence assistance program benefits, most necessary residence assistance program, participation and satisfaction of employment assistance program, most beneficial social welfare program and organization, satisfaction with social welfare services and reasons for dissatisfaction, most necessary social welfare service for improving living conditions
5. Residential history: Current and previous housing tenure and housing types, experience of living in different non-dwelling structures, and length of residence and reasons for living in non-dwelling living structures
6. Living conditions: Period of residence and reasons for living in current residence, living expenses, living space, living facilities, time of residence, comfort level of sleep, problems with living space, danger of fire, satisfaction with surrounding environment, number of meals, cooking, place for doing laundry, and relationship with neighbors
7. Awareness and experience of discrimination: Living conditions and disadvantages of current residence compared to other locations, and whether experienced eviction threats and reasons for eviction, etc.
8. Future Plans: Willingness to move to a different area and reason for wanting to move, moving plans, desired residence assistance policies, etc.

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Poverty/ Welfare


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Related Documents-Questionnaire(Korean) kor_que_20090062.pdf 설문지 (한글) PDF 583.8 kB Download
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If the data were released before May 11, 2017, it was measured since May 11, 2017.