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Survey on the Intergovernmental Personnel Mobility Program, 2007 : Program Participants


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Principal Investigator(s)

Choi, Soon-Young / Korea Institute of Public Administration


This survey was conducted as a part of the「Study on the Evaluation of the Public Personnel Policies and its Future Tasks」and aims to evaluate one of the Roh administration’s ten major personnel policies the "Intergovernmental Personnel Mobility Program". The survey was conducted among participants of the personnel mobility program and their colleagues, and this data was collected from the program participants.
The survey contains contents on the need for personnel mobility, positive and negative effects of personnel mobility, reason for participating in personnel mobility, difficulties experienced at the exchange station, points of satisfaction and dissatisfaction at exchange station, level of goal reached through personnel mobility, relatedness of work before and after personnel mobility, helpful points in conducting work following personnel mobility, optimal period of personnel mobility and financial support, whether to continue running the personnel mobility program, level of contribution of the mobility program in cultivating talented personnel, outcomes of conducting personnel mobility, and the effectiveness of measures for vitalizing personnel mobility.

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「중앙과 지방간 인사교류제도에 관한 설문조사」는 교류참여자의 동료(A1-2007-0076)와 교류참여자(A1-2007-007)가 동시에 수행되었다.

File Type File Name File Description File Format File Size Download
Related Documents-Questionnaire(Korean) kor_que_20070077.pdf 설문지 (한글) PDF 298.69 kB Download
Related Documents-Codebook(Korean) kor_codebook_20070077.pdf 코드북 (한글) PDF 226.96 kB Download
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If the data were released before May 11, 2017, it was measured since May 11, 2017.