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Survey Records on Rural Areas in Gyeonggi-do, 1958


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Principal Investigator(s)

Lee, Man-Gap / Department of Sociology, Seoul National University


The 「Study on the Social Structure of Rural Communities in Korea」 was conducted to examine the changes in the social structure of rural communities in Korea as a result of political, economic, and social changes such as agricultural reform and the Korean War following liberation as well as changes in personal relations such as homology, feudal status, and economic status. For this purpose field research as well as survey research was conducted in 6 selected towns in Gyeonggi-do’s Gwangju-gun and Youngin-gun, and this data is the questionnaire and the results of cross tabulation analysis.
The survey was conducted among head of households residing in the target field research areas of Gwangju-gun’s Dolma-myun Ueomsu-ri, Dochon-ri, Hadaewon-ri, Opo-myeon Neungpyeong-ri Changpyung and Chagok, and Youngin-gun Mohyun-myeon Neungwon-ri, with a total household total of 336 respondents with the exception of 10 unable to respond.
The survey’s main contents include family relations, occupation, farm size, farm hand and grave keeper, size of economy, debt, participation in social organization, exchange of work and mutual assistance, landowner-tenant relations, attitude towards class relations, town leadership, means of communication, change in economic status, and children’s education.

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