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Survey on Regional Innovative Environment, 2000 : Daejeon


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Principal Investigator(s)

Park, Kyung / Department of Economics, Mokwon University


The「Survey on Regional Innovative Environment」was conducted to search for measures to improve the competitiveness of corporations by examining the innovative efforts and environment of regional corporations in a knowledge based economy. For the purposes of regional comparison, this survey was conducted among corporations in Daejeon and Changwon as survey targets as they are the most traditional areas in concentration of similar industries. This data was collected from corporations in the 4 regional industrial complexes in the Daejeon area (based on numbers form 1999, 114 corporations were chosen at random out of 223) and 153 venture businesses certified by the Small and Medium Business Administration.
The questionnaire includes contents on corporate information (year of establishment, industry, product, number of employees), R&D and level of technology (number of research personnel, weight of R&D funding, ownership of intellectual property rights, introduction of technologies), innovative activities (execution of innovative activities per area), source and channel of innovation, innovation and resource network among corporations (sales and purchase amounts of corporations, level of innovative contribution per cooperative partners within region, cooperative relations with other corporations within region), network between corporations and support agency (level of innovative contribution per support agency, cooperative relations with universities and public institutions), spread of innovation (transfer of skilled workers, opening a business within the region), and the region’s culture of trust (cooperative culture, informal information sharing).

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「지역혁신환경에 관한 설문조사」의 창원지역 기업들을 대상으로 한 자료(A1-2000-0046)도 KOSSDA에서 이용가능하다.

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Related Documents-Questionnaire(Korean) kor_que_20000045.pdf 설문지 (한글) PDF 267.41 kB Download
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Measured since the release date of the current version data.
If the data were released before May 11, 2017, it was measured since May 11, 2017.