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Survey on Values and Attitudes of Industrial Workers, 1991


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Principal Investigator(s)

Sun, Han-Seung / Korea Labor Institute


Korea Labor Institute


The motivation of workers and their enthusiasm for work is essential in revitalizing the Korean economy suffering from frustrated exports, price instability, and economic stagnation. The「Survey on Values and Attitudes of Industrial Workers」was conducted to gather preliminary data for the establishment of policies to promote the motivation of workers and the formation of a suitable labor culture. This survey has been conducted every year since it began in 1990 until 1992, and this data was collected in 1991. The questionnaire of this survey is composed of contents including work life, labor policy, human resource management, tripartite agreement, and morale improvement.
The section on work life includes job satisfaction, and level of morale, and the section on labor policy includes government measures, evaluation of government’s labor policy, challenges faced by companies, and evaluation of political participation by labor unions. The section on human resource management includes employment method and process, state of educational training, intention of job change, and method of working hour adjustment, and the section on tripartite agreement includes acceptance of tripartite agreement, conditions for promoting tripartite agreement, and appropriate labor relations. The section on improvement of morale includes level of satisfaction with labor welfare facilities, evaluation of worker’s welfare fund, evaluation of profit sharing system, pros and cons of annual salary system, problems of the promotion system, and methods of worker participation in management.

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「산업체 근로자 의식구조 조사」는 1990년(A1-1990-0011), 1991년(A1-1991-0008), 1992년(A1-1992-0006) 모두 세 번의 조사가 수행되었다.

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Related Documents-Questionnaire(Korean) kor_que_19910008.pdf 설문지 (한글) PDF 241.87 kB Download
Related Documents-Codebook(Korean) kor_codebook_19910008.pdf 코드북 (한글) PDF 353.79 kB Download
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