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Customer Satisfaction Index Survey on the Seo-gu District Office in Gwangju Metropolitan City, 2002


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Principal Investigator(s)

Kim, Soon-Heung / Division of Social Welfare, Gwangju University


This survey was conducted to rate the level of public administrative services offered by the Seo-gu District Office in Gwangju Metropolitan City. This survey collected customer satisfaction index data on 11 areas of administrative services. The services to be rated are as follows.
1) Information Administration: Homepage information service, internet public service, provides information space, resident information technology education, etc.
2) Public Health Administration: Convenience of using public health center, phone service, document pre-preparation service, medical service, vaccination service, travelling clinic service, free service for the disadvantaged.
3) Public Sanitation Administration: Convenience of utilizing district office, phone service, internet inquiry service, garbage pick-up service, etc.
4) Cultural Administration: Cultural facilities, cultural events, supporting cultural organizations, homepage event information service, urban environment development, etc.
5) Transportation Administration: Public transportation service, pedestrian environment, parking lot construction support, parking enforcement, road environment, etc.
6) Tax Administration: Convenience of utilizing district office, in person service, phone service, certificate issuance service, information on local taxes, correction and compensation measures, etc.
7) Civil Administration: Convenience of utilizing district office, phone service, civil request information service, etc.
8) Land Management Administration: Convenience of utilizing district office, in person service, phone service, postal service, civil request information service, correction and compensation measures, etc.
9) Vehicle Registration Administration: Convenience of utilizing district office, vehicle registration service, correction and compensation measures, etc.
10) Construction Administration: Convenience of utilizing district office, phone service, civil request information service, correction and compensation measures, etc.
11) Architectural Administration: Convenience of utilizing district office, phone service, civil request information service, correction and compensation measures, etc.

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Related Documents-Questionnaire(Korean) kor_que_20020049.pdf 설문지 (한글) PDF 634.09 kB Download
Related Documents-Codebook(Korean) kor_codebook_20020049.pdf 코드북 (한글) PDF 1.32 MB Download
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Measured since the release date of the current version data.
If the data were released before May 11, 2017, it was measured since May 11, 2017.