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Survey on Tourists’ Attitude towards the Environment, 2005


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Principal Investigator(s)

Ko, Dong Woo / Department of Hotel & Tourism, Daegu University


Tourists’ attitude and behavior towards the environment is known to vary according to their environmental consciousness as well as exposure to environmental ads. This survey was conducted to investigate how cautionary ads regarding the environment influences the attitude and behavior of tourists towards the environment and to analyze the differences resulting from exposure to environmental ads, the data was separately collected from a control group and an experimental group.
The questionnaire of this survey is composed of a sense of responsibility towards the environment, common knowledge about the environment, and index questions regarding attitude related to the environment, and in order to gauge the effects of environmental ads on attitudes of tourists a copy of the ad was included in the questionnaire of the experimental group. In the questionnaire of the first experimental group the advertising slogan "The trash you throw away harms your health" was included as an appeal to the individual, the second experimental group’s questionnaire included the slogan "The trash you throw away harms the health of your neighbors and society" an appeal on the societal level, the third experimental group’s questionnaire includes the slogan "The trash you throw away harms the forests and the health of the environment" an appeal on the environmental level.

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Related Documents-Questionnaire(Korean) kor_que_20050074.pdf 설문지 (한글) PDF 1.08 MB Download
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If the data were released before May 11, 2017, it was measured since May 11, 2017.