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Workplace Panel Survey, 2005


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Principal Investigator(s)

Kim, Hye-Won / Korea Labor Institute


Korea Labor Institute


The「Workplace Panel Survey」is a panel survey conducted on the corporate level to collect data for the establishment of labor market related policies by examining the corporate demand for labor, employment structure, and personnel management system. From 2002 to 2004 preliminary surveys were conducted and in 2006 a new sample was formulated and the same sample is being used in the biennial surveys. This data is part of the first year workplace panel survey.
The questionnaire of this survey is composed of questions included in the preliminary information survey conducted prior to the main survey and questions from the main survey targeting personnel management and labor management officers as well as worker representatives, and in the case of 2006 includes special survey questions targeting the public sector.
The preliminary survey includes contents on corporate financial status and employment status, and the survey of personnel management officers includes characteristics of workplace, employment status and employment management, compensation and evaluation, human resource management and operational organization, human resource development, and information on respondents. The survey of labor management officers include contents on state of labor department and labor union, wage and collective bargaining, labor disputes, management participation, and works council. The survey of worker representatives include contents on state of labor union, labor union elections and decision making structure, daily activities of labor union, negotiation structure and process, and history of labor union.

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KOSSDA는「사업체패널조사」의 2002-2003년 누적자료(A1-CUM-0014)와 2005년(A1-2005-0061), 2007년(A1-2007-0144), 2009년(A1-2009-0242), 2011년(A1-2011-0211) 자료를 제공하고 있습니다.

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Related Documents-Questionnaire(Korean) kor_que_20050061.pdf 설문지 (한글) PDF 3.47 MB Download
Related Documents-Codebook(Korean) kor_codebook_20050061.xlsx 코드북 (한글) EXCEL 495.21 kB Download
Related Documents-Other kor_user guide_20050061.pdf 유저가이드 (한글) PDF 1.21 MB Download
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