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Interview with Emigrant Workers to the Middle East and Their Wives, 1986-1987


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Principal Investigator(s)

Seok, Hyunho / Department of Sociology, Sungkyunkwan University


This data was collected from workers who have returned from working in the Middle East and their wives to examine the effects of working in the Middle East on household living standards as well as the elements of failure and success in overseas employment. The content of interview included life history that delineate the socio-demographic background of the interviewee, reason for working in the Middle East, life, work and leisure while in the Middle East, reemployment status and family relations after returning, and whether financial goals were attained. In case wives, they were questioned about methods of managing the money remitted while husband was in the Middle East and side jobs to examine how financial lives were maintained, and how family relations have changed following husband’s employment in the Middle East.
Interviews were carried out among 50 households but data from only 38 of those currently remain. This data is composed of 37 interview transcripts excluding one case out of the total 38 which was of poor recording quality.

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If the data were released before May 11, 2017, it was measured since May 11, 2017.