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Record Survey on Preventive Measures of Perjury, 2007


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Principal Investigator(s)

Park, Misuk / Korean Institute of Criminology


The unique cultural characteristics of Korean society and an overall mistrust in the judicial system are leading to a problem of increasing incidents of perjury. Though recent discussions have begun on preventive methods for perjury efforts to investigate its causes and status are nearly nonexistent. This record survey was conducted to create a database of cases of suspect perjury and the characteristics of the original case related to perjury based on the trial records. The contents include the following: suspect’s criminal record, drug abuse, lead on perjury investigation, reason for perjury, judgment of perjury and sentencing, types of original cases related to perjury, existence of an accomplice, and the judgment and sentencing on the original case.

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Law and order

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Related Documents-Other kor_que_20070009.pdf 기록조사표 (한글) PDF 264.98 kB Download
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