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Field Work on Change of Korean Communities in China, 2003


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Principal Investigator(s)

Kwon, Tai Hwan  / Department of Sociology, Seoul National University


This study was conducted for an in-depth research of the dismantling of small town communities and breakup of families of Chinese of Korean descent in relation to the large scale population migration after the 1990s, changes in educational environment related to the migration of labor and low birthrate problems, and the identity crisis experienced by Chinese of Korean descent related to the changes following the open-door policy and reform of China. For this purpose individual and group interviews as well as observation were conducted in the towns and cities around the Yanbian area, Shenyang and nearby rural areas in Liaoning, the Mudanjiang area in Heilongjiang, and Qingdao in Shandong. This data includes the interviews and observation records of the fieldwork.
The contents of the interview vary according to the region. In the towns around the Yanbian area the topics included town population, economic problems, family and marriage, educational problems, large cities and migration to Korea, and in the inner city areas of Yanji, Longjing, and Tumen centering on restaurant businesses the interview topics included aspects of urbanization, local problems, and changes in value system. In regions other than Yanbian the interview was conducted on how communities of Chinese of Korean descent were forming and changing centering on the traditional towns of Chinese of Korean descent currently experiencing difficulties from a decrease in population and large and midsized cities experiencing drastic changes as well as newly forming communities of Chinese of Korean descent.
The interview was conducted twice in 2002 and 2003 in case of Yanbian, and interviews in Shenyang in Liaoning, Mudanjiang area in Heilongjiang, and Qingdao in Shandong were conducted from January to February of 2003.

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