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Records on Workshop for the Study on Emigrant Workers to the Middle East, 1987


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Principal Investigator(s)

Seok, Hyunho / Department of Sociology, Sungkyunkwan University


This workshop, based on the 3 part Middle East Emigrant Worker study conducted from 1984 to 1987, and aims to discuss how the government and social organizations should provide policy support for the family and household financial problems experienced in the process of readjusting and from having worked in the Middle East by those who have returned. The participants of this workshop included researchers of this study, academics, representatives of the Ministry of Labor and the Korean Legal Aid Center for Family Relations, and the Middle East emigrant workers and their wives. The workshop was divided into morning and afternoon sessions for a total duration of 5 hours.
The morning session of the workshop focused on family problems, introduction of the overall study and presentation of its findings, presentation of personal experiences by the wives of emigrant workers, and a status report as well as question and answer session with the representatives of the Ministry of Labor and the Korean Legal Aid Center for Family Relations. The afternoon session focused on financial problems and consisted of presentation of personal experiences by the emigrant workers as well as a discussion for establishing policy measures on household income management and reemployment.

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