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Survey on Works Council, 1991 : Employers


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Principal Investigator(s)

KIM, Hoon / Korea Labor Institute


Korea Labor Institute


The works council established according to the works council law of December 31st 1980 is seen as exacting only the employers’ position by the labor unions and fit for abolishment. On the other hand it is being supported by the corporate side for being a useful systematic tool for labor-management communication. Considering the evident confronting views of labor and management, this survey aims to provide the preliminary data for a desirable future establishment of the works council by investigating the overall management and scope of the works council, worker participation, and the evaluation of its purposes and outcomes by both union and management. The 「Survey on works Council」 was conducted among workers, employers, and worker representatives, and this survey is on Employers. The questionnaire is composed of contents including characteristics of companies, establishment and state of works council management, evaluation of works council management, opinion on labor-management communication, and redress of grievances. The questionnaire on the characteristics of companies includes contents such as date of establishment, average monthly wage, type of business, and characteristics of the CEO. The section on the establishment and state of works council management includes composition of works council, characteristics of participants from both sides, methods of electing representatives, articles on worker representatives, applicable range, divergence of opinions between labor and management, collective bargaining, and execution methods of agreements. The section on the evaluation of works council management includes the usefulness of a works council, execution of labor-management agreements, connection to productivity, and the role of government. The opinion on labor-management communication section includes state of labor-management relations, introduction of personnel management, and worker attitude, and the redress of grievances section includes grievances and whether a system of redressing grievances is being run, number of grievance committee members and positions, and redress of grievances.

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「노사협의회 실태조사」는 사용자(A1-1991-0014), 근로자대표(A1-1991-0015), 근로자(A1-1991-0016) 자료로 구성되어 있다.

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Related Documents-Questionnaire(Korean) kor_que_19910014.pdf 설문지 (한글) PDF 50.14 kB Download
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