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Survey on Industrial Relation and Competitiveness, 1992 : Companies


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Principal Investigator(s)

Gim, Taegi / Korea Labor Institute


Korea Labor Institute


The「Survey on Industrial Relations and Competitiveness」was conducted among executives of manufacturing companies in order to gather data for the establishment of favorable industrial relations and increase corporate competitiveness. The questionnaire is composed of contents including company’s characteristics, evaluation of corporate management, evaluation of labor union, evaluation of industrial relations, increasing competitiveness and direction for the improvement of industrial relations. The section on company’s characteristics includes questions on the time of labor union’s establishment, election process of labor union representative, and the size of labor union, and the section on evaluation of corporate management includes questions on elements of change in corporate competitiveness, measures for improving corporate competitiveness, evaluation of company’s efforts to increase competitiveness, and the evaluation of management conditions. The questions on the evaluation of labor union activities include the effectiveness of labor union activities, wage negotiations, popularity of labor union, professionalism of labor union leadership, and course selection according to changes in conditions. The section on the evaluation of industrial relations include questions on the position of labor union, the effect of labor union activities on management, attitude of management towards labor union, and the management and workers’ range of sharing management information. The questions on increasing competitiveness and direction for improvement of industrial relations include pivotal issues of industrial relations and the main problems of labor unions.

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「경쟁력과 노사관계」연구는 근로자(A1-1992-0004)와 기업(A1-1992-0005)조사로 구성되어 있다.

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Related Documents-Questionnaire(Korean) kor_que_19920005.pdf 설문지 (한글) PDF 74.64 kB Download
Related Documents-Codebook(Korean) kor_codebook_19920005.pdf 코드북 (한글) PDF 623.15 kB Download
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