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Interview on the Living Conditions of Low Income Families in Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongnam Areas, 2nd interview, 2005


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Principal Investigator(s)

Park, Kyung Sook / Department of Sociology, Dong-a University


This interview data was collected as a part of the 「Family, labor market, and welfare policy factors for formation and transition of poverty in a regional comparative perspective」 from 2003 to 2006. The study targets the poor in the Gyeongnam area to investigate the characteristics and causes of increasing poverty following the financial crisis and to present practical policy measures on poverty. This study focuses on poverty on both economic and social levels and attempts to elucidate, through panel surveys on regional poverty and inequality and in depth interviews on the lives and basic needs of the disadvantaged class, the seriousness of experiencing economic, social, and cultural exclusion and the process in which such discrimination results in a culture of poverty and the deficiency of personal capability.
This is the in-depth interview data collected during the third year of the study and was collected from supplemental interviews of 19 interviewees from the 2004 in depth interview(Interview on the Living Conditions of Low Income Families in the Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongnam Areas, 1st Interview) and new set of interview data from 10 interviewees who were seen to have a high outlook of overcoming poverty among interviewees of the Gyeongnam area. The contents of interview very much like that of 2004 seeks to investigate the source of poverty centering around personal histories and in addition in this second in-depth interview specific questions were asked on what the practical welfare policy should be in order to overcome poverty. In cases of supplemental interviews specific changes are examined such as children’s’ education, job, and possibility of overcoming poverty.
The interview was conducted from July to August of 2005 among 22 households in Busan and 7 households in the Gyeongnam area. The research was conducted in a semi-structured interview by asking the same questions in the same order from a pre-prepared questionnaire though at times certain issues such as education, job, and economic problems were given more emphasis.
Among the 29 interviews conducted in 2005 27 are provided as transcribed data and 9 as summaries.

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Poverty/ Welfare


1.「부산, 울산, 경남지역 저소득층의 생활실태에 관한 연구」의 양적자료는 1차(A1-2004-0019), 2차(A1-2005-0015), 3차(A1-2006-0002) 패널조사로 구성되어있으며, 질적자료는 1차(B3-2004-0001), 2차(B3-2005-0001) 심층면접조사로 구성되어 있음.

2. 이 자료의 요약본 일부는 『삶의 기회』(박경숙 편. 2006. 동아대학교 출판부) 부록에 실려 있음.

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Related Documents-Other questionnarie.pdf 부산, 경남지역 저소득층의 생활실태에 관한 연구 질문지 PDF 2.1 MB Download
Related Documents-Other B3-2005-0001_interviewlist_re.pdf 인터뷰 리스트 PDF 969.03 kB Download
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