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Survey on the Lives and Attitudes of Korean University Students, 2005


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The「Survey on the Lives and Attitudes of Korean University Students」was conducted by the students in the course ‘sociology research practicum’ for the practice of research planning, data collection and analysis, established by the sociology department of Seoul National University to foster students’ independent social survey research skills. The survey was conducted in 1994 and 1999 under the title 「Survey on the Lives and Attitudes of Seoul National University Students」 but was changed to 「Survey on the Lives and Attitudes of Korean University Students」for the 2002, 2003, 2005, and 2006 surveys. In 2003 Kyung Hee University and Dong-A University also took part in the survey and in 2005 only Yeonsei University and Chonbuk University conducted the survey. This data was collected in 2005 and aims for the scientific study of the various changes currently taking place in the universities by investigating the values, attitudes, and lives of university students. The questionnaire includes contents on attitude towards reunification and North Korea, attitude towards countries surrounding Korea, attitude towards Japan, side jobs and part-time jobs, career path and preparation for employment, experience of temporary leave from school, peer relations and state of internet use, attitude towards human rights, view on marriage, attitude towards military service, attitude towards luxury goods, attitude towards fashion, musical preference, and view on the development of Korean society.

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「한국 대학생의 의식과 생활에 대한 조사연구」는 2002년(A1-2002-0009), 2003년(A1-2003-0023), 2005년(A1-2005-0014), 2006년(A1-2006-0001) 까지 모두 네 번의 조사가 수행되었고, KOSSDA에서 모두 이용가능함.

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Related Documents-Questionnaire(Korean) kor_que_20050014.pdf 설문지 (한글) PDF 371.68 kB Download
Related Documents-Codebook(Korean) kor_codebook_20050014.pdf 코드북 (한글) PDF 592.31 kB Download
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If the data were released before May 11, 2017, it was measured since May 11, 2017.