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Record Survey on Hit and Run Accidents, 1998


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Principal Investigator(s)

Tak, Hee-Sung / Korean Institute of Criminology


Inadequate road conditions as well as relatively low standards in following traffic regulations coupled with a drastic increase in traffic are leading to traffic accidents and increasing cases of hit and run accidents are becoming serious social problems. Considering that in comparison to a 3.8% fatality rate of regular traffic accidents the fatality rate of hit and run accidents are at 6.4%, it is necessary to reevaluate the dangers of hit and run accidents. The「Records Survey on Hit and Run Accidents」 was conducted to investigate the state of hit and run accidents and to examine the effectiveness of additional punishment on specific crimes. This survey was conducted by examining police statistics related to hit and run accidents as well as investigation and court records of hit and run accidents. The contents of the survey include characteristics of offender and victim, reason for accident, circumstance of flight, situation after fleeing, degree of damage, and the relationship between the prosecutor’s demand of punishment and the sentence.

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Crime/ Safety

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