Public Opinion Survey 3 : Public Opinion Poll on the IMF
Kim, Soon-Heung / Division of Social Welfare, Gwangju University
Gwangju Jeollanam-do Jeollabuk-do foreign exchange crisis funeral Kim Dae-Jung government Kim Dae-Jung administration Honam economic crisis consumption IMF International Monetary Fund cremation (funeral)
「시민의식종합조사」는 광주의 이미지에 관한 여론조사(A1-1998-0018), 지역감정에 관한 여론조사(A1-1998-0019), IMF에 관한 여론조사(A1-1998-0020), 광주시민여론조사(A1-1998-0021), 광주시 주부에 관한 여론조사(A1-1998-0024), 광주시 운전자에 관한 여론조사(A1-1998-0025) 로 구성되어있다.
Measured since the release date of the current version data.
If the data were released before May 11, 2017, it was measured since May 11, 2017.
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