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Public Opinion Survey on the 10 Years Following the Financial Crisis, 2007


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Principal Investigator(s)

Chung, Chin-Sung / Department of Sociology, Seoul National University


The『Public Opinion Survey on the 10 Years Following the Financial Crisis』was conducted by the Institute for Social Development and Policy Research of Seoul National University to trace the changes in Korean society in the 10 years following the financial crisis of 1997 as a part of the『Public Opinion Survey』it has been conducting since the late 1980s. In particular, this survey was conducted with the goal of illuminating the overall social level of Korea based on the analytical framework of "social quality" within which not only economic development but also socioeconomic security and social integration as well as individual empowerment are considered within the same framework. The topics included in this survey are value system and trust, labor and occupation, income and class, family and old age, open society and minority issues, and reunification and foreign relations. The major questions for each topic are as follows.
Value system and Trust: important life values, social justice, requirements for social success, interpersonal trust, institutional reliability, image of capitalism, attitude towards economic growth, major national goals, level of democracy, systematic fairness, subjective ideological orientation, and party identification, etc.
Labor and Occupation: optimal retirement age, employment status in the last ten years, occupation of spouse, level of job satisfaction, attitude towards work, and elements for consideration in choosing occupation, etc.
Income and Class: changes in individual circumstances following the financial crisis, debt, method of building wealth, propensity to consume, state of household consumption, state of child education, seriousness of the fabrication of academic records, major issues causing social anxiety, subjective class consciousness, level of improvement of social problems following the financial crisis, democracy among social groups, whether welfare system has been expanded, degree of consideration given to one’s hometown or geographic origins, and participation in social groups, etc.
Family and Old Age: attitude towards family, number of children, desired number of children, state of preparations for old age, cohabiter in old age, caregiver in old age, attitude towards parent support, and state of health, etc.
Open society and Minority Issues: attitude towards international openness, attitude towards foreign immigrants, attitude towards international marriages, distance felt towards overseas Koreans, and national pride, etc.
Reunification and Foreign Relations: national intimacy, attitude towards relations between North and South Korea, need for reunification, possible time for reunification, and attitude towards relations between the US and Korea, etc.

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If the data were released before May 11, 2017, it was measured since May 11, 2017.