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Survey on the Use of Mother and Child Health Handbook, 1988 : Cheonan-si


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Principal Investigator(s)

Gim, Yeonyeong


In 1987 the government launched the mother and child health handbook project to improve health services for expectant mothers and infants. The Korea Institute for Population and Health (currently the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, KIHASA) simultaneously conducted a survey on the issuance and management of the handbook by health authorities and a survey on the utilization of the handbook by pregnant women and the parents of infants, for the purpose of providing reform measures for the management of the project. The survey was undertaken in the two sample regions of Cheonan-si and Buan-gun among those the handbooks were issued to.
This data was collected from the residents of Cheonan-si who were issued the mother and child health handbook. The contents of the survey include the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents, experience of pregnancy, infant immunization history, whether one has experienced the death of a child, state of prenatal screening and utilization of handbook, childbirth, state of infant vaccination and utilization of handbook, state of receipt and possession of government’s mother and child health handbook, handbook’s degree of usefulness, evaluation of handbook related education content, possession of handbook when visiting medical facility, state of recording prenatal and postpartum screening results in handbook, state of recording infant’s development status and vaccination history in handbook, and the utilization of mother and child healthcare centers.

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「모자보건수첩 활용실태 조사」는 천안시(A1-1988-0014), 부안군(A1-1988-0015) 주민 자료로 구성되어있다.

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Related Documents-Questionnaire(Korean) kor_que_19880014.pdf 설문지 (한글) PDF 6.79 MB Download
Related Documents-Codebook(Korean) kor_codebook_19880014.pdf 코드북 (한글) PDF 378.21 kB Download
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