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EAI·CCGA International Public Opinion Survey, 2008


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Principal Investigator(s)

Lee, Sook-Jong / East Asia Institute


The「EAI·CCGA International Public Opinion Survey」is being conducted biennially since 2004 among the citizens of major countries including Korea and the US by the East Asia Institute (EAI) and the Chicago Council on Global Affairs (CCGA) to follow the changes in the views of Koreans and people worldwide on major global issues and to strengthen the theoretical research on factors that determine global views.

This survey is the third year survey and includes contents on national pride, affinity towards major Asian countries, opinion on global economic relations, opinion on the integration of East Asia, assessment of Korea/US/China/Japan’s influence on international society and national status, opinion on relations with Japan, opinion on Korea-US relations, and threatening elements to national interest.

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「대외인식에 관한 국제여론조사」는 2004년 1차 조사(A1-2004-0014)와 같은 해 전문가를 대상으로 한 「EAI·중앙일보·CCFR 대외인식에 관한 전문가 조사, 2004」(A1-2004-0061), 2006년 2차 조사(A1-2006-0068), 그리고 2008년 3차 조사(A1-2008-0034)가 수행되었다. 현재 KOSSDA에서는 모든 조사자료를 서비스하고 있다.

File Type File Name File Description File Format File Size Download
Related Documents-Questionnaire(Korean) kor_que_20080034.pdf 설문지 (한글) PDF 98.15 kB Download
Related Documents-Codebook(Korean) kor_codebook_20080034.pdf 코드북 (한글) PDF 460.45 kB Download
Related Documents-Questionnaire(English) eng_que_20080034.pdf Questionnaire (English) PDF 166.71 kB Download
Related Documents-Codebook(English) eng_codebook_20080034.pdf Codebook (English) PDF 880.04 kB Download
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If the data were released before May 11, 2017, it was measured since May 11, 2017.